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10+ sales meeting templates that work

Turn meetings into deals! Check our special templates that simplify your sales process & help you close more deals faster >>

Rose McMillan · January 11, 2024
10+ sales meeting templates that work10+ sales meeting templates that work

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Sales meetings can often feel like a box of chocolates – you never know what you're going to get.

One day it's a smooth, well-structured discussion, and the next, it's a jumble of ideas and updates.

To bring consistency and effectiveness to your sales meetings, your sales team simply needs a sales meeting agenda. It doesn't have to be long or complicated –– but without one, you could be left scrambling to cover the essentials.

Today, we'll show you a few templates that can help streamline your discussions so that every meeting is as productive and engaging as possible.

When do you need a sales meeting agenda template?

For ANY sales meeting, basically. There are a few scenarios, though, where having an agenda is a must-have on your preparing list.

When you stumble upon a problem

If your sales team encounters recurring issues or sudden challenges, a meeting with a clear agenda can help pinpoint the problem and brainstorm solutions.

When you have newcomers in the team

Introducing new team members to the sales process and team dynamics is smoother with a structured meeting that covers essential topics like sales strategies, team roles, and current sales targets.

Before launching a new product or service

When your team is gearing up for a new launch, an agenda-driven meeting ensures that everyone understands their role, the sales approach, and the key metrics to track.

If there's a shift in market dynamics or customer preferences, a meeting with a focused agenda can help the team adapt their sales conversations and strategies accordingly.

When preparing for a big deal

In the run-up to a major contract, well-planned sales meeting agendas can help align all team members. From sales reps to sales leaders, you want to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Post-major sales events or campaigns

After significant sales events, an agenda can guide the discussion around successes, learnings, and areas for improvement.

When sales targets are not being met

If the team is falling short of sales targets, a meeting with a specific agenda can help diagnose issues, adjust strategies, and motivate the team going forward.

For cross-departmental collaboration

When sales strategies involve other departments, the meeting agenda helps the entire company stay focused and productive.

There are even more sales meeting ideas that would benefit with an agenda. Read our blog post on

Sales meeting agenda templates for each sales team

Below, you will find a few sales meeting agenda templates for productive meetings in your sales team. You can copy and use them straight away, but we encourage you to customize them!

Internal sales meeting agenda templates

#1 General internal sales meeting template

People meeting around a table with a whiteboard

Getting all your sales team in one place can be a struggle. Whether they're always on the go or working remotely, getting everyone together for a meeting can be a bit of a juggling act.

Successful sales meetings are not just about going over numbers (however, it's naturally an important part). They are also to celebrate wins, check the pulse of an entire team, share advice on closing deals, or encourage reps to peer review their sales pipeline, and more.

Even in asynchronous sales teams, sales team meetings have to happen from time to time.

Template outline:

1. Introduction

  • Brief overview of the meeting's purpose. This should also be included in each sales meeting agenda so that sales meeting participants know what they sign up for.
  • A quick recap of the last sales meeting's outcomes, if any.

2. Pipeline health check (per team and per team member)

  • Current pipeline value vs. target goals.
  • Number of deals in each stage of the pipeline.
  • Average deal size and time in each stage.

3. Deal progression analysis

  • Review of key deals or qualified leads moved forward since the last meeting.
  • Discussion on stalled deals and potential solutions. This part is ideal for the whole team brainstorming.
  • Success stories and learnings from recently closed deals.

4. Forecasting upcoming sales

  • Predictions based on current pipeline data. This also sets expectations for each sales manager.
  • Impact of potential market changes or upcoming campaigns.
  • Short-term and long-term sales forecasts.

5. Risk identification and mitigation

  • Identification of potential risks in the pipeline.
  • Sales leader strategies to mitigate identified risks.
  • Contingency planning for unforeseen circumstances.

6. Action items and responsibilities

  • Specific actions to be taken based on the meeting’s discussion.
  • Assignment of responsibilities to team members.

7. Conclusion and next steps

  • Summary of key takeaways. End on a positive note!
  • Schedule for the next pipeline review meeting.

8. Feedback and suggestions

  • Open floor for team feedback on the pipeline process.
  • Suggestions for improvements for the next meeting.

How to personalize this template:

  • Tailor the metrics and KPIs to reflect those most relevant to your business or industry.
  • Integrate data from your CRM system for real-time analysis and reporting.
  • Modify the template to suit the dynamics and needs of different sales teams within your organization.
  • Include sections that focus on key clients or customer segments specific to your business.

#2 Weekly sales review template

People meeting around a meeting table

Regular reviews can increase sales productivity. And, for any sales team aiming to stay on top of their game, weekly sales meetings are more than just routine check-ins. Such effective team meetings are led to make sure that each week is more productive than the last.

Template outline:

1. Introduction

  • Brief overview of the objectives of this weekly meeting.
  • Recap main goals, solutions, and challenges from the previous weekly sales meeting.

2. Sales performance analysis

  • Review of weekly sales figures against targets.
  • Analysis of key performance indicators (KPIs): lead conversion rates, average deal size, sales cycle length.

3. Deal review

  • Discussion on significant deals closed, lost, or progressed during the week.
  • Identifying patterns or trends in successful or unsuccessful deals and drawing conclusions.

4. Challenges and solutions

  • Addressing any obstacles encountered during the week.
  • Researching solutions and strategies to overcome these challenges. If a particular team member voices challenges each week and doesn't do much about it, this part of an agenda can be a starting point for their 1-to-1 review.

5. Best practices and success stories

  • Sharing successful sales tactics or stories from the week.
  • Discussing what worked well and how it can be replicated.

6. Upcoming opportunities and targets

  • Preview of potential deals and opportunities in the pipeline.
  • Setting specific targets and objectives for the coming week.

7. Training and development

  • Brief sales training session on relevant sales skills or tools.
  • Sharing updates on sales methodologies or industry trends, if applicable. If the sales meetings are agreed on to be rather short, move this part to monthly or quarterly reviews.

8. Conclusion and action items

  • Summarizing key takeaways from the meeting.
  • Assigning tasks and responsibilities for the next sales meeting in the upcoming week.
  • Sending all meeting minutes from weekly meetings to all sales managers.

How to personalize this template:

  • Adjust the KPIs and sales metrics to align with your team's specific goals and industry standards.
  • Incorporate real-time data from your CRM to provide a better understanding and answer questions.
  • Add a section where team members can share insights, experiences, and learnings.
  • Adapt the training segment to address your team's current needs and skill gaps.

#3 Year-end sales review and planning template

This template is helpful for reflecting on the past year's sales performance and set the stage for the upcoming year. In comparison to weekly agenda meetings, this annual review offers a broader perspective, and should include some best practices gleaned from the entire year.

Template outline:

1. Introduction

  • Overview of the year-end review goals.
  • Acknowledgment of the team's efforts throughout the year.

2. Annual sales performance analysis

  • Reviewing key sales metrics and performance indicators: close deals, pipeline updates, follow ups, and so on.
  • Comparing actual performance against set goals. Operating on % might be helpful here, especially if the meeting time is limited or the sales team is rather big.

3. Lessons learned

  • Discussing successes and challenges faced during the year.
  • Identifying key learnings and areas of improvement to close more deals in the upcoming year.

4. Setting objectives for the next year

  • Establishing sales goals and targets for the upcoming year.
  • Aligning objectives with overall business strategy.

5. Resource planning

  • Assessing resource needs for achieving new goals.
  • Planning for training, tools, and team expansion. This is where sales managers can share ideas on how they want to advance in their sales careers.

6. Conclusion and next steps

  • Summarizing the review and planning session.
  • Outlining the action plan for the coming year.
  • Planning the first review (usually, somewhere in the first quarter).

How to personalize this template:

  • Adapt goals and metrics, so they reflect your company's specific targets.
  • Include case studies or examples relevant to your industry.
  • Recognize particular team members.
  • Encourage team input in setting realistic and achievable goals.

#4 New product launch sales meeting template

With hundreds of new products entering the market almost daily, it’s no surprise that many fail to succeed., A well-structured sales plan is something you shouldn't start your campaign without. This sales meeting covers product overview, market analysis, and sales pitch development. It should also include collaboration with marketing or product teams to make it an extremely effective meeting.

Template outline:

1. Introduction

  • Purpose of the sales plan meeting.
  • Brief overview of the new product and its goals.

2. Product overview

  • Detailed presentation of the new product features and benefits.
  • Discussion on product positioning and USP.
  • A quick Q&A session to dispel doubts and get everyone on the same page.

3. Target market and customer profiling

  • Double-checking the target customer segments.
  • Analyzing customer needs and buying behavior.
  • Brainstorming if needed or not done on the previous meeting.

4. Sales pitch development

  • Crafting best ideas for compelling sales pitches for different customer segments.
  • Role-playing exercises to practice and refine the pitches.

5. Marketing and product collaboration

  • Coordinating with the marketing team for promotional strategies.
  • Syncing with the product team for potential development updates.
  • Planning joint sales and marketing initiatives.

6. Conclusion and action plan

  • Summarizing the sales strategy for the new product.
  • Assigning responsibilities and setting timelines.

How to personalize this template:

  • Customize the product overview to highlight features most relevant to your target market.
  • Use market data and customer insights specific to your industry or related products.
  • Develop sales pitches that come along with your company's brand and values.

External sales meeting agenda templates

#1 Solution-focused consultation template

This template is made for sales meetings where the primary goal is to understand what your client wants and compare it with what you can offer.

It's an opportunity to position your offering as the ideal solution to their unique problems, but, often, only a very starting point of closing the deal.

Template outline:

1. Introduction

  • Brief overview of the meeting's purpose.
  • Express gratitude for the client's time and participation.

2. Understanding client challenges

  • Engage in a detailed discussion to understand the client's current challenges, goals, and pain points.
  • Ask insightful questions to get even deeper into their specific needs.

3. Presenting customized solutions

  • Based on the understanding gained, present how your product or service can address their specific use cases.
  • Leverage case studies or examples where similar challenges were successfully addressed. Have them collected before sales meetings as your "repository". You never know when they come in handy!

4. Interactive Q&A session

  • Encourage the client to ask questions and express any concerns.
  • Pose the questions yourself if needed.
  • Provide clear, concise, and honest answers.

5. Discussing implementation and support

  • Talk about how the solution can be implemented in their company.
  • Highlight the support and services your company offers for a smooth transition.

6. Next steps

  • Discuss the next steps if the client is interested in proceeding – next meeting agenda or extra call.
  • Set a timeline for follow-up actions and any required demonstrations.

7. Conclusion

  • Summarize the key solutions discussed.
  • Thank the client for their engagement and feedback.

How to personalize this template:

  • Research the client's industry, company history, and any potential challenges beforehand.
  • Customize the offer/sales deck/solutions for each business case.
  • Prepare to pivot the conversation based on the client's responses and interests.

#2 Strategic partnership exploration template

People meeting around a coffee table

This sales meeting agenda template focuses on creating a dialogue around how a partnership can provide mutual benefits, going beyond a typical buyer-seller relationship. It can also be used to collaborate with other companies in the same vertical.

Template outline:

1. Introduction

  • Set the stage for a strategic discussion.
  • Introduce or summarize the potential benefits of a strategic partnership.

2. Understanding mutual goals

  • Discuss the long-term goals and objectives of both parties. Make sure they align.
  • Identify areas of synergy and potential collaboration.

3. Exploring partnership opportunities

  • Present a few ways that the potential partnership model can work.
  • Listen to your partner's ideas if they have any.
  • Discuss how each model could benefit both parties.

4. Case studies of successful partnerships

  • Share examples of successful strategic partnerships and their outcomes in your company.
  • Highlight relevant aspects that could be applied in this potential partnership.

5. Brainstorming session

  • Engage in a collaborative brainstorming session to explore creative partnership ideas.
  • Encourage open and innovative thinking.

6. Discussing next steps

  • Outline potential next steps if both parties are keen on pursuing a partnership.
  • Agree on a timeline for further discussions or exploratory actions.

7. Conclusion

  • Summarize the key points discussed.
  • Express enthusiasm about the potential partnership.

How to personalize this template:

  • Tailor the discussion points to go hand in hand with your partner's business model and market position.
  • Be prepared with knowledge about their past partnerships or collaborations, if any.
  • Focus on creating a win-win scenario that clearly outlines the potential of this partnership.

#3 Customer feedback and product improvement session Template

People meeting and drawing on a whiteboard

This template is designed for sessions focused on gathering client feedback on your products or services and discussing potential improvements or new features. It's a proactive approach to involve clients in the development process.

Template outline:

1. Introduction

  • Explain the purpose of the feedback session.
  • Emphasize the value of the client's input in improving the product.

2. Gathering feedback

  • Ask specific questions about the client's experience with the product or service.
  • Encourage honest and detailed feedback.
  • Ask for qualitative and quantitative feedback.

3. Discussing specific features or services

  • Focus on particular aspects of the product for detailed feedback.
  • Discuss both what works well and areas for refinement.

4. Brainstorming improvements

  • Collaboratively brainstorm potential improvements or new features.
  • Discuss the feasibility and impact of these ideas.

5. Prioritizing feedback

  • Work with the client to prioritize the feedback based on impact and feasibility.
  • Discuss how these changes could better meet their needs.

6. Next steps

  • Assess the technical possibilities of feedback implementation.
  • Outline the process for incorporating feedback into product development.

7. Conclusion

  • Summarize the feedback and potential improvements discussed.
  • Thank the client for their valuable insights and time.

How to personalize this template:

  • Prepare by reviewing the client's usage patterns and any previous feedback they've provided.
  • Focus on areas of the product that are most relevant to the client's business.
  • Be open to suggestions and create an environment where the client feels comfortable sharing feedback that might not be nice for you.

Start crafting your sales meeting agenda today

Nobody likes to waste their time, especially not the go-getters in your sales team. That's why nailing your sales meeting agendas should be your priority.

Every meeting brimming with sharp, actionable sales meeting ideas is a step towards smashing those targets – and turning every minute into a valuable asset.

A successful sales meeting is where strategies are refined, goals are aligned, and the team gears up to tackle the challenges. With Capsule, sales teams can manage their pipeline health with ease, see for yourself by signing up for your 14 day free trial.

Craft those agendas with care, and watch your team turn every opportunity into a success story.


How do you structure a sales meeting?

A sales meeting should have a clear agenda, starting with introductions, followed by a review of the sales pipeline, discussion of key metrics, and ending with action items. This ensures more effective sales meetings and keeps the team focused.

How do you prepare for a sales meeting?

To prepare for a sales meeting, gather relevant data, set a clear agenda, and define the goals. Ensure that the sales reps are informed about the meeting topics and any necessary pre-work to make the session productive.

What to say in a sales meeting sample?

Begin with a positive note, share recent successes, review the sales cycle, and discuss challenges. End with a summary of key points and next steps. This approach promotes effective sales meetings and keeps everyone aligned.

What should you cover in a sales meeting?

In a sales meeting, cover recent performance, progress against targets, obstacles, and strategy adjustments. Include time for the sales team meetings to address any questions and brainstorm solutions to challenges.

How can you nail a sales meeting?

To nail a sales meeting, be prepared, stay on topic, engage the team, and focus on actionable items. The sales manager should lead by example, encouraging participation and ensuring the meeting stays productive and relevant.

How long should a sales meeting last?

A sales meeting should last between 30 to 60 minutes. This duration ensures that it is long enough to cover important points but short enough to maintain the attention and engagement of the sales leader.

What do you say in a first sales meeting?

In a first sales meeting, introduce yourself, outline the purpose of the meeting, discuss your sales strategy, and set expectations. Ensure to listen actively and address any concerns from the team to build rapport and trust.

How do you write minutes of a sales meeting?

When writing minutes, document key points discussed, decisions made, and action items assigned. Include names of attendees, the date, and time of the team meeting. This ensures clarity and accountability for follow-up.

How can you make a sales meeting interactive?

To make a sales meeting interactive, incorporate Q&A sessions, encourage participation, use engaging visuals, and have breakout discussions. This approach helps team meetings become more dynamic and fosters collaboration among team members.

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