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Updates to our support portal

Updates and improvements to our support portal articles

Tom Bell · January 14, 2015

First off I hope everybody had a good holiday season and that you're looking forward to the new year.

After we launched the new look for Capsule we had a lot of screenshots that needed updating in our support articles. We thought this would be a great time to also begin discussing how we could improve our support articles for everyone that uses them.

Our support articles needed a way that would allow us to easily keep them up to date. We took inspiration from Wistia’s documentation and used a static site generator to build our support portal. This means we can update any out of date information or screenshots quickly, making them easier to maintain.

From a user's perspective we have combined the old individual pages into a single stream of related articles to allow for easier exploration of the wider subject. For example the tracks article contains all the combined articles around managing your tracks. From time to time when using Capsule there can be a number of steps involved in a process - the new layout of our support articles gives you a clear display of all the steps involved.

Search has also been improved. We will search each individual section of an article and suggest which sections you might be searching for. You can also submit the search and we’ll take you to a more detailed search results page. We’ve added a search box on each article for easier navigation between articles. In addition - we have the ability to learn from past searches to better update the content and ensure that the most relevant results always show up at the top.

Best of all, the site is super quick for everyone using it and the pages are optimised for mobiles and tablets so you can get Capsule support on the go.

You can find our new support portal here. If you have the old address bookmarked please update it to this new address.

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