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How to grow B2B sales in 2024

Boost your B2B sales in 2024 with our expert growth strategies. Drive revenue and expand your business with our comprehensive guide.

Rose McMillan · November 21, 2023
How to grow B2B sales in 2024How to grow B2B sales in 2024

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Sales is about more than just numbers or transactions – it's about relationships, especially in the B2B sector.

As we step into 2024, the landscape of B2B sales is evolving at an unprecedented rate, influenced by technological advancements, changing buyer behaviors, and global economic shifts.

To stay ahead of the curve, businesses must adopt innovative strategies and tools that not only attract new clients but also nurture existing relationships.

So, how can you tackle B2B sales so they actually grow in the new year?

What are B2B sales

B2B sales, or business-to-business sales, involve transactions between two businesses. This is different to B2C sales where a business sells directly to an individual consumer. This type of sales often include a longer sales cycle, larger transactions, and a focus on relationship-building.

The goal is to provide solutions that help the client business grow, thereby creating a win-win situation for both parties.

Differences between B2B sales and B2C sales

There are more differences here than just a letter. How does a sales process look in business to business sales, and what does it have in common with B2C – if anything?

Sales cycle length

In B2B sales, the sales cycle is generally longer compared to B2C. This is because B2B sales often involve multiple decision makers, complex purchasing decisions, and higher price points. On the other hand, B2C sales cycles are shorter, often involving online transactions and fewer stakeholders in the buying process.

Role of sales teams

Sales teams in B2B sales are usually more specialized and require a deeper understanding of the client's pain points and business needs. Sales reps in B2B focus on building relationships and aligning sales strategies with the potential customer's objectives.

In business to consumer sales, sales teams may not need to dive as deep; their primary focus is often on volume and quick turnover.

Sales process complexity

The B2B sales process is more intricate, requiring a well-thought-out sales strategy, multiple touchpoints, and often the use of CRM software for customer relationship management. Sales professionals in B2B need to navigate through multiple stakeholders and longer sales cycles.

In contrast, the B2C sales process is usually more straightforward, targeting individual consumers rather than other businesses.

Marketing and sales alignment

In B2B sales, aligning sales and marketing teams is crucial for a cohesive approach to lead generation and closing deals. Marketing teams often assist sales by providing valuable market research, helping to identify ideal customers and their buying journey.

how to align marketing and sales

In B2C, the alignment between sales and marketing is also important but usually less complex, focusing more on immediate customer needs.

Customer relationship and loyalty

B2B sales emphasize the importance of customer success and long-term relationships. Sales leaders and reps work closely to understand the unique needs of each business they are selling to, aiming for customer loyalty through value proposition and tailored solutions.

In B2C, while customer loyalty is valued, the focus is often more on individual transactions rather than building long-term relationships.

20+ best practices to get started with B2B sales

Understand your customer's pain points

First things first, you've got to know what problems your potential customers face, time and time again.. Dive deep into their challenges and pain points. This will not only help you tailor your value proposition but also build strong relationships right from the get-go.

The better you understand what challenges your potential customers face, the better your sales teams can offer meaningful solutions.

This is where your value proposition becomes a game-changer. Use market research and customer interviews to gather this intel.

Let's say you're selling cloud storage solutions and you find out that a potential client is struggling with data security. Your pitch could focus on your product's top-notch security features, turning their pain point into your selling point.

Assemble a rockstar sales team

You can't go it alone in B2B sales. Assemble a sales team of go-getters who are as passionate about the business as you are. Train your sales reps well, because they're the frontline soldiers in your sales process.

B2B sales team

Look for people who are not just skilled but also passionate about the business. Regular training sessions can keep your sales reps sharp and up-to-date.

Remember, a well-prepared team is a successful team.

A software company made investments in a rigorous training program for their sales reps, focusing on product knowledge and customer engagement. Within a quarter, they saw a 20% increase in sales.

Craft a solid sales strategy

A well-thought-out sales strategy is your roadmap to success. Align sales and marketing efforts to create a unified approach to lead generation and closing deals.

Align sales and marketing efforts for a cohesive approach. Regularly review and adjust your strategy based on performance metrics.

This keeps your sales process agile and effective.

A B2B service provider sets quarterly goals and aligns their sales and marketing teams to work towards them. They used analytics to measure success and adjusted their strategy accordingly by introducing SEO copywriting, resulting in a 30% increase in lead generation.

Master the Art of Relationship Building

Your sales teams should focus on nurturing relationships, not just pushing for a quick sale.

Building relationships in B2B sales is like planting a garden; it takes time, care, and regular nurturing. Your sales teams should focus on providing value at every touchpoint.

Send regular updates, offer free insights, and be there when they have questions.

This is how you turn leads into loyal customers.

A B2B sales rep regularly checked in with a client, offering industry insights and updates. When it was time for contract renewal, the client didn't hesitate to sign on for another year.

Know the decision makers

In B2B, you're often not just selling to an individual but to a committee or a board. Tailor your sales strategies to appeal to different stakeholders.

Understand their roles, concerns, and influence in the buying process. Such a multi-faceted approach can speed the decision making process up, and improve your closing rates.

A sales team researched the organizational structure of a potential client and tailored their pitch to address the concerns of the CFO, CTO, and CEO. They won the contract because they spoke to everyone's needs.

Utilize CRM software

Invest in good CRM software to streamline your sales process. It helps you keep track of interactions, manage your sales funnel, and analyze data to improve sales performance.

It can help you manage leads, track customer interactions, and even automate some tasks. This leaves your sales reps free to focus on what they do best: selling.

Invest in a CRM that fits your business needs. Like Capsule.

how to use CRM for B2B sales

A manufacturing company used CRM software to automate follow-up emails and appointment scheduling, freeing up their sales team to focus on building relationships and closing deals.

Focus on value, not price

In B2B sales, you're often dealing with longer sales processes, complex products and services that come at a higher price point.

Your sales professionals should focus on the long-term value and ROI your solution offers, not just the upfront cost.

Make it clear how your product or service will solve their problems or improve their operations.

A B2B SaaS company focused their pitch on how their software could automate manual processes, saving the client both time and money in the long run. This shifted the conversation from price to value.

Leverage social selling

Social media isn't just for B2C. Platforms like LinkedIn can be goldmines for B2B lead generation. Use them to showcase your brand credibility and engage with potential customers.

Social media platforms, especially LinkedIn, can be powerful tools for B2B sales. Use them to showcase your expertise, share valuable content, and engage with potential customers. Social selling is about building your brand and establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

Plus you can extend its impact with paid ads where you can target customers based on specific criteria.

A B2B marketer used LinkedIn to share case studies and industry articles, attracting the attention of decision-makers in their target market. This led to several high-value conversations and, eventually, sales.

Be patient, it's a long journey

B2B sales cycles can be long and filled with hurdles. Patience and persistence are key. Keep nurturing those leads, offer value at every stage, and don't get discouraged if the deal doesn't close immediately. Remember, good things take time.

A sales rep spent six months nurturing a lead, providing valuable content and insights along the way. Though it took time, the lead eventually converted into a high-value customer.

Always be learning

The B2B landscape is ever-changing. Keep your sales teams updated with the latest sales techniques, tools, and trends to stay ahead of the curve.

Regular training sessions and workshops can go a long way in making your sales model the best it can be.

A company offered monthly training sessions as part of a certification program on new sales techniques and tools, keeping their team updated and ready to tackle new challenges.

Measure and adapt

Last but not least, keep an eye on those key performance indicators (KPIs). Use them to gauge the effectiveness of your sales strategies and make necessary adjustments. Being adaptable and willing to pivot is crucial in the fast-paced world of B2B sales.

A B2B company noticed that their email campaigns were not generating enough leads. They quickly pivoted to a more targeted approach, focusing on industries that had shown interest in the past, resulting in a 25% increase in engagement.

Create templates for your team

Templates can be a lifesaver in the B2B sales process. Whether it's email templates for lead generation or a free sales plan template, having these resources can streamline your sales funnel and make life easier for your sales professionals.

Just make sure to personalize each template to fit the specific needs and pain points of the business you're reaching out to.

A company created a set of email templates addressing various stages of the buyer journey. Sales reps could quickly select and personalize the most relevant template, saving time and increasing efficiency.

B2B sales templates

Check our templates:

Run post-sale surveys with clients

After closing a deal, don't just pat yourself on the back and move on. Run post-sale surveys to gather feedback from your clients.

This invaluable information can help you refine your sales process and build lasting relationships with other businesses.

After a successful deal with an IT firm, a B2B sales team sent out a post-sale survey. The feedback helped them understand what they did well and where they could improve, leading to better performance in future deals.

Utilize account-based sales strategies

Account-based sales focus on targeting specific high-value accounts rather than casting a wide net.

This approach requires close collaboration between sales and marketing teams to create personalized buying experiences for each targeted account.

A B2B SaaS company identified 10 high-value potential clients and tailored their sales and marketing efforts to meet the unique needs of each. The result? Higher conversion rates and larger deal sizes.

Understand payment terms and conditions

In B2B sales, payment terms can often be a sticking point. Understanding the financial constraints and payment cycles of your clients can help you negotiate terms that are favorable for both parties and stakeholders involved.

A supplier of raw materials offered flexible payment terms to a manufacturing company, making it easier for them to manage their cash flow and sealing the deal in the process.

Leverage cold calling with research

Cold calling isn't dead; it just needs to be done right. A well-researched cold call can still open doors. Equip your sales reps with all the information they need about the business they're calling, and make sure the call provides value to the recipient.

Before making a cold call, a sales rep researched the potential client's recent achievements and pain points. The call then focused on how their service could add value, making it a win-win conversation.

Use sales tools for tracking and analytics

A variety of sales tools are available to help you track performance, manage leads, and analyze data. These tools can provide valuable insights into your sales funnel, helping you identify what's working and what needs improvement.

A B2B company used a sales analytics tool to track the performance of their email campaigns, website traffic, and lead conversion rates. The insights from that sales tool gained helped them tweak their strategy for better results in their qualified lead strategy.

Understand the key differences between selling products and services

Whether your business sells products or is in the business of selling services, it's crucial to understand the key differences in the selling process for each.

For products, it might be about features, quality, and delivery times. For services, it might be more about the expertise, ongoing support, and the quality of the relationship.

A company that sells both software (product) and consulting services (service) train their sales reps to focus on feature sets and scalability when selling the software, while emphasizing their team's expertise and long-term support when selling services.

Involve all stakeholders in the buying decision

In B2B sales, especially with long sales cycles, multiple stakeholders are often involved in the buying decision. Make sure to identify and engage all of them throughout the sales journey.

Such further research ensures that when it comes time to make a buying decision, you've already addressed the concerns and needs of all parties involved.

A B2B sales rep selling office supplies made sure to involve not just the procurement manager but also the CFO and office manager in the decision-making process. By addressing each of their concerns—cost, quality, and utility—they were able to close the deal more effectively.

Over to you

B2B sales can be confusing - but don’t let this stop you from utilizing this channel in your own business. With the right strategies, tools, and mindset, you can navigate the complex world of business-to-business sales and come out on top.

Capsule CRM makes managing your sales funnel simple. Leaving time for your sales reps to focus on following leads and closing deals. Try Capsule CRM free for 14 days and see how it can help your business grow.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. What are B2B sales?

B2B sales, or business-to-business sales, involve transactions between businesses rather than individual consumers. This type of sales often involves more complex processes and longer sales cycles compared to business-to-consumer sales.

2. How do B2B sales differ from selling to individual consumers?

In B2B sales, you're often dealing with other businesses that have multiple decision-makers, longer buying cycles, and specific needs. Business to consumer sales usually involve quicker decisions and are often driven by emotion rather than detailed evaluation.

3. What should I focus on in the B2B sales process?

In the B2B sales process, focus on understanding the needs and pain points of the other businesses you're targeting. Building relationships is key, as one business often engages in long-term contracts with another.

4. How much time do buyers spend in the B2B sales process?

The time buyers spend in the B2B sales process can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the product or service. It's not uncommon for the process to take several months, especially when multiple stakeholders are involved.

5. Can you give an example of a product commonly sold in B2B sales?

Certainly! Raw materials are often sold in a B2B sales context. For example, a steel manufacturer might sell raw materials to a car production company.

6. What about office supplies in B2B sales?

Office supplies are another common product in B2B sales. Businesses often purchase these supplies in bulk from other businesses specializing in office products.

7. How can I improve my B2B sales process?

Improving your B2B sales process involves multiple steps, such as identifying your target market, understanding their needs, and tailoring your sales and marketing strategies accordingly. It's crucial to align your sales and marketing teams for a cohesive approach to reaching other businesses.

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